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July 12, 2023

Understanding Estrangement: Why Adult Children Choose to Distance Themselves from Their Parents

Understanding Estrangement: Why Adult Children Choose to Distance Themselves from Their Parents


Understanding Estrangement:
Why Adult Children Choose to Distance Themselves from Their Parents

Family relationships are complex and often filled with both love and conflict. While it is commonly assumed that the parent-child bond is unbreakable, the reality is that some adult children make the difficult decision to estrange themselves from their parents. This phenomenon, known as parental estrangement, is a topic that deserves attention and understanding. In this blog, we will explore some of the reasons why adult children may choose to distance themselves from their parents.

Unresolved Childhood Trauma

Childhood experiences play a crucial role in shaping an individual's emotional well-being. If a person has suffered from abuse, neglect, or any other form of trauma during their upbringing, it can deeply impact their relationship with their parents. The pain and emotional scars from these experiences may be so severe that estrangement becomes a way to protect oneself from further harm.

Lack of Boundaries and Respect

Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and the establishment of boundaries. However, in some cases, parents may struggle to respect the autonomy and individuality of their adult children. They might impose their own values, expectations, or even interfere with important life decisions. As a result, adult children may feel suffocated and choose to distance themselves in order to regain control over their own lives.

Substance Abuse and Addiction

Substance abuse and addiction can tear families apart. When a parent's addiction issues persist or are not properly addressed, it can create an unhealthy and unstable environment. Adult children might choose to distance themselves to protect their own well-being and escape the emotional turmoil associated with their parent's addiction.

Emotional Manipulation and Control

In some cases, parents may employ emotional manipulation and control tactics to maintain power and dominance over their adult children. This could involve guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or constantly undermining their child's self-esteem. Over time, the cumulative effects of such toxic behavior can drive adult children to seek distance from their parents in order to regain their mental and emotional well-being.

Irreconcilable Differences or Values

Sometimes, adult children and their parents may hold fundamentally different beliefs, values, or lifestyles. These differences can create significant tension and conflicts, making it challenging for both parties to maintain a healthy relationship. When attempts to find common ground or compromise fail repeatedly, estrangement may be seen as the only viable option to preserve their own happiness and well-being.


The decision to estrange oneself from parents is a deeply personal and often agonizing choice made by adult children. It is essential to approach this topic with empathy and understanding, acknowledging that each situation is unique. While estrangement may be seen as a drastic measure, it can be a necessary step towards self-preservation and healing for those who have experienced ongoing pain or dysfunction in their relationship with their parents.

It is important for society to recognize and support those who have chosen estrangement, rather than stigmatizing or dismissing their experiences. By fostering open dialogue and promoting mental health resources, we can contribute to a more compassionate and understanding society for those who navigate the complexities of family estrangement.